Clidata Acris

New version of CLIDATA called CLIDATA Acris was presented on CLIDATA Forum 2009 at Prague

May 2007

The Clidata aplication was shown at Meteohydex Exhibition of Meteorological and Hydrological Instruments and Equipment in Geneva in conjunction with the 15th World Meteorological Congress

November 2006

Breefing with Agrhymet country users took part in Ostrava

October 2006

The 4-day forum of clidata users proceeded in Ostrava in Atom Hotel. The participants from various countries took part in the forum. The posibilities of new Clidata was presented. The problems and sugestions were discused.

July 2006

Additional administrator and user training in Belgrade in Serbia

January 2006

CLIDATA installation has been completed in CILSS 7 countries which are: Burkina Faso, Cape Verde, Gambia, Guinea Bissau, Mali, Niger and Senegal. The next step will be Mauritania and Tchad to complete CILSS conutries and the other countries such as Guinea Conakry, Togo and Benin.

December 2005

Additional administrator and user training in Sarajevo in Bosnia and Hercegovina